Where Life Champions Are Made!

charlotte boxing
Charlotte Boxing Academy is a joint venture between the Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Department and the Charlotte Boxing Academy, a private club funded by donations.
Since our beginning, Charlotte Boxing Academy’s creed and purpose has been to make life champions with the influence of good character, academic achievement, high school and college graduation, and contributing life citizens of the community through positive mentoring boxing coaches and competitions.
We endeavor to coach and mentor every youth boxer, 10-18 years of age, to reach a level in amateur boxing to get awarded a college/university scholarship or obtain an education through the military.
For adults, we have evening boxing conditioning training for all ages and competitive adult coaches for ages 18 - 40.
Visitors are always welcome at no charge. Come and see the impact Charlotte Boxing Academy is making with our community youth and adults. Ask for a tour. We love to show our facility and let you meet our staff and boxers.


Giles Foundation Scholarship Check Presentation
Left to right: Valorie Johnson, Vonda Criswell, Linda Reed, Shelley Giles, Calvin Brock, and Alvin Simpson
CBA Coaches (left) and Board Members (right) receiving Giles Foundation Scholarship Check
Left to right: Coaches Shawn Jackson, Patrick Brown, Mark Bearden, Leon Moffett, Valorie Giles (center), board members Calvin Brock, Linda Reed, Vonda Criswell, and Alvin Simpson
Calvin Brock
1225 Remount Rd
Charlotte, NC
Tel: (704) 241-0314
Monday - Thursday
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm